It's been awhile since I've written anything, I thought I might have to dust off the keyboard!
It's been even longer since I've been able to make it to a Broadway show, or even an Off-Broadway one. But, that's what happens when life gets in the way and you run out of that wonderfully disposable income. Man, being an adult with responsibilities isn't like what I read about in the brochure. Where are the yachts and penthouse apartments?! Oh well, I guess I'll have to keep on working for "the man" for a while longer.
Over the last few weeks, I've observed some things that really represent what I love about living in NYC. These may not be universally accepted as positive aspects of city living, but even negative things can make us appreciate where we live sometimes.
I've gotten into the habit of reading the New York Times' blog, specifically the stories that are short entries about people's individual experiences with life here. It's definitely an entertaining read and I often identify with the stories. This one, in particular, I thought represented the struggle of Summer (How can Summer be a struggle, you say? Humidity, humidity, humidity; enough said.) and how people can choose to deal with it:
New York Times: City Room.
Along with the heat come all those A/C units, which can sometimes drip water onto unsuspecting heads as they pass by and in a city where you're never too far from urine (pet and/or human) and feces (Faith's favorite word!), having unknown fluids drip on you can be especially disconcerting.
With all these units, we don't stand a chance!
Photo courtesy of Hiroko Masuike, New York Times |
But, what you really have to avoid are the drips that come down in the subways and on the subway platforms. There's some mysterious fluids you just don't want to know about and you'll contort your body in all kinds of ways to avoid them getting on you.
Subway goo is something you certainly don't have to worry about where I came from in Denver. Very little would drip on you, unless it was raining or snow was melting. Denver has been on my mind of late, especially seeing all the beautiful pictures people are posting from their adventures over the Summer.
Photo courtesy of Steve Jonson |
Photo courtesy of Steve Johnson |
So nice to see a little nature on my computer screen, because that's almost the only place I see it these days! But, I can only reminisce for so long or I'll miss my subway stop or trip over the homeless person who sleeps outside our office building and happens to have Ralph Lauren underwear (his pants were sagging, that's how I know; I wasn't investigating, they were just there!). And, while Denver has some incredible natural beauty, I've got these views that suit me just fine.
Sunnyside! |
The dreaded 7 train..... |
Central Park |
Looking toward downtown Manhattan |
Doctor Who World Tour! |
Plus, as luck would have it, NYC happened to be the only place in the US that was part of the Doctor Who World Tour last week! Tickets went on sale just three days before the event and they sold out in less than ten minutes. I was able to secure two tickets and then had to decide who among my friends and family I would have to alienate, by not inviting them. What I should have done was have a Thunderdome-type battle for the second ticket (hindsight is 20/20)!
Enjoying The Silence! |
What a crowd! |
The event included a screening of the first episode of the new season (no spoilers) and a Q&A with the new Doctor (Peter Cipaldi), Clara (Jenna Coleman), and Seven Moffat (show runner). The panel was lead by the one and only, Chris Hardwick, and, boy, does he know how to control an excited audience! I was pretty impressed with the dedication a lot of the fans have to this show and got a little taste of what Comic Con must be like (lots of character outfits and props). I could go into all the ins and outs of why this show is so great, but that would take a lot of space. I suggest you check out a few episodes and just let it flow over you.
What a great time and a fantastic reminder of one of the reasons I love living here! Next up, a trip down South over Labor Day for some fantastic food and drinks in the streets of New Orleans! Allons-y, Von!
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